diumenge, 28 de juliol del 2013

Ben Nevis, Robert Burns, Auld Lang Syne

La montagne comme un animal endormi, envie d'en caresser le flanc, envahie par l'émotion... les parages du Ben Nevis, après tant d'années dans le tourbillon de la vie... 

Parages du Ben Nevis - 07-13, Muriel 

Wild Mountainside, 
poème de Robert Burns *
Beauty is within grasp
Hear the islands call
The last mile is upon us
I'll carry you if you fall
I know the armour's heavy now
I know the heart is tired
It's beautiful just over
The wild mountainside
Snow is falling all over
Out of clear blue sky
Crow is flying high over
You and I are going to wander
High up where the air is rare
Wild horses ride
It's beautiful, let's go over
The wild mountainside
Wild and free we roam
Only a mile to go
Wild and free we roam
Only a mile to go
Beauty is within grasp
Hear the highlands call
The last mile is upon us
I'll carry you if you fall
I know the armour's heavy now
I know the heart inside
It's beautiful let's go over
The wild mountainside
It's beautiful just roaming
The wild mountainside.
* Robert Burns: poète national écossais, 1759-1796, auteur, entre autre de Auld Lang Syne, connu en français comme... Ce n'est qu'un au revoir! 

Pour écouter ces textes chantés via Youtube, clic clic:

 Wild Mountainside, poem by Robert Burn, Eddi Reader

À bientôt ! Muriel

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